I’ve just added a new (preliminary) diff for fRO.
Due to Gravity’s compiler update (see here) it only includes 6/21 hex edits so far. Depending on my motivation and abilities I might add the missing ones later, but I believe the most important ones are included already.
We’ll see.
I’ve got a CRC mismatch issue with your Diff file for fRO Ragexe.
And if I ignore that error, I’ve got a Patch Error on every line I’m trying to fix, using that Diff.
Are you sure you’re using it on the newest fRO Ragexe?
It should be 3’859’968 Bytes in size with a hash of CRC32: e9553560 / MD5: 51f0ba2716bf5a5e4d54b6e6aafa4852 / SHA-1: bdf09a6cbd7e87979a217d0510a2de3a5b0e33ea
Working fine for me. BM Fix, Partypopupfix etc – love you long time, my hero!
Had one problem today, but that may be coincidence. All _ground_ (not background) textures went white in WoE, interface, chars etc as usual – never happened before and I had the bmfix, partypopup, noenter diffes active.
That would be the infamous lightmap bug and has a chance of happening to everyone, unaltered client or not! For a temporary fix (once the ground turns white only restarting RO really helps) you can enter /lightmap ingame.
So unless this somehow happens alot more frequently with the patches applied you shouldn’t be alarmed :p
Okay, started playing after 4 years again and has happened one time so far. I assume coincidence then!
Thanks a lot again, really really helpful
le cheers *.*
any luck on new diff for iRO, not that I play it much but I am curious
Sorry, no.
I’ve recently been diagnosed with terminal laziness and there’s no known cure.
(and the fact that I don’t play iRO honestly doesn’t help with that)
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