guinea pigs!
So I was bored motivated enough today to fetch the current Ragexe/RagFree from iRO. Turns out they’re currently the same! (That’s a good thing btw, at least for me)
Some minutes later and a diff for iRO was born.
Please note that the only char I have there is an AWESOME lvl 14 Acolyte and well… I was too lazy to test if everything’s working as intended.
So here’s where the title comes into play: You are the guinea pigs! Ain’t that fun?!!!!
No but really, feel free to leave a comment if something isn’t working as intended. Because otherwise there’s a good chance that I might never notice.
Oh and one more thing… since I don’t play on iRO I usually don’t notice when there’s a client update; so expect there to be some HUEG delays after a new client gets released.
hello guys I LOVE ur calc.
I’ve gotten a small problem. The linked boomerang have a small problem, the +atk stuff don’t add up the damage. Like Core02, Porcellio card, please fix
shield boom isnt affected by +atk, the calc is fine.
thanks for the hex, works great.
uhm… well… shield boom is % of ur atk, so higher atk, higher the dmg… o.O
As anon just said, equipment ATK does not count for shield boomerang, only ATK gained from your stats.
You can read about it here:
Great work, it’s a shame I don’t play on iRO nor euRO ;_;
I’d like to reproduce the same stuff on other localized version of RO
Just … How did you do that ? @_@ In great principles ?
Do you happen to play on fRO then?
Wouldn’t mind helping out as long as those are official servers we’re talking about. :p
I do 8D
Could you send me a zipped version of fRO’s Ragnarok.exe (the patcher, not the game executable) to the email address mentioned on the calcx front page?
I’ll see what I can do then!
You have any interest to add in the iRO specific Zodiac hats and the other Kafra shop gears that aren’t in the calc?
You can sort of emulate the effects of some by just adjusting stats and adding in extra gears, but sometimes it restricts you to just add in the headgear and not your full setup to test
I’ve hesitated so far with it, mainly because there’s complications when I merge the latest update(s) from the original japanese calc.
I would probably be more motivated if there was an actual list of iRO specific headgears.. well maybe there is one, but I wasn’t able to find one so far!
(even iRO’s kafra shop website is no big help here
So yes, there’s interest on my side.
Iro changed the exe again any chance you can update your awesome game fix
great fix i love this! anyway you can list the hex keys to edit so we can try ourselves in cause no updates are available?
thanx again
Thanks for the update on the Diff. I so missed it even tho it was only for week if that. Really wise gravity would get off there lazy ass and fix there own game.
13 Responses to “guinea pigs!”