If you’ve been playing RO for any longer amount of time, chances are you already heard of (or even used) the japanese tool “AutoIMO” already. (Note: this version is slightly edited to have bigger sized EXP fields to accommodate for transcendent classes)
In a nutshell, it’s a tool to display your average EXP/Hour. Well not only that, because there’s also an option to auto-screenshot when you gain a lvlup!
Now the big problem is that it requires a client-specific ragaddress.ini to function — That means every time there’s a new Ragexe coming out, the ragaddress.ini needs to be updated.
Luckily for you, some smart people from iroWiki came up with an idea to automate the creation of these specific .ini files!
Sadly all the prior searchmasks have become useless since Gravity’s grand compiler update and honestly I’m just too fucking lazy to look for new ones right now.
So instead here’s a current (last updated 2011-10-02) Ragaddress.ini for fRO you guise \o/
[RoName] WindowCaption=Ragnarok [Ragexe] Size=3898880 [Address] CharName=00846048 Zeny=008449a0 BaseExp=008448f8 BaseExpNext=00844904 JobExp=008449b4 JobExpNext=008449b0 Weight=008449b8 WeightMax=008449ac BaseLv=008448fc JobLv=00844908